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Get Directions >

'; if (website_url != '') { website_url = '

View Website >

'; } //var lat_lng_link = ''.$name.'
'.$city_name.', '.$state_name.' '.$zipcode.'
'; html += '

' + name + ' (' + distance + 'mi)

'; html += '

' + address + '
' + city_name + ', ' + state_name + ', ' + zipcode + '
' + contact + '
'+ email +'

'; html += '
' + storeTime + '
'; html += '
' + website_url + direction_link + '

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//return {emailid: emailid, }; }, message: 'You have already this coupon code, Please check your email or choose another coupon', delay: 500 },*/ }, }, 'coupon_phone': { validators: { notEmpty: { message: 'Please enter Phone Number' }, stringLength: {min: 8, message: 'Phone Number min 8 number long'}, regexp: {regexp: /^[^-\s][0-9()+-\s]+(?:,\d+)*$/i, message: 'Please enter valid Phone Number'}, } }, }, submitHandler: function (validator, form, submitButton) {} }); } $('body').on('', '#frmgetcouponcode', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var formData = $(this).serialize(); var baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + '/checkrelatedcoupon', type: 'post', dataType: "json", data: formData, success: function (response) { if (response) { swal(response.response_name, response.response_msg, response.response_type); $("#frmgetcouponcode").data('bootstrapValidator').resetForm(); $("#frmgetcouponcode")[0].reset(); $("#hdn_cpid").val(''); } else { $("#frmgetcouponcode").data('bootstrapValidator').resetForm(); 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Loading keyword suggestions...
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A member of our UFI/Lane team will be reviewing your pre-application and will soon reach out to you.", type:"success"},function(){ location.reload(); }); $("#employmentform").data('bootstrapValidator').resetForm(); $("#employmentform")[0].reset(); if($('.g-recaptcha').attr('data-sitekey') != '') { grecaptcha.reset(); } } else { swal("Error!", "Please Complete the Captcha by clicking the Checkbox", "error"); hideLoader(); $("#employmentSubmit").attr('disabled', false); } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { return false; } }) }); $('.c-sidebar-menu-toggler').click( function(e) { $('#mobile-advancefilter-1, #mobile-advancefilter-2').collapse('hide'); }); $('.mobfilter-btn').click( function(e) { $('#sidebar-menu-1, #sidebar-menu-2').collapse('hide'); }); function delay(callback, ms) { var timer = 0; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } $('.blog-pagination').delegate('.pagination_box', 'click', function (e) { changeUrl('page', $(this).attr("data-id")); function changeUrl(key, value, isUncheck = 0) { var searchUrl =; if (searchUrl.indexOf("?") == "-1") { var urlValue = '?' + key + '=' + value; history.pushState({state: 1, rand: Math.random()}, '', urlValue); } else { if (searchUrl.indexOf(key) == "-1") { var urlValue = searchUrl + '&' + key + '=' + value; } else { oldValue = getParameterByName(key); if (searchUrl.indexOf("?" + key + "=") != "-1") { urlValue = searchUrl.replace('?' + key + '=' + oldValue, '?' + key + '=' + value); } else { urlValue = searchUrl.replace('&' + key + '=' + oldValue, '&' + key + '=' + value); } } history.pushState({state: 1, rand: Math.random()}, '', urlValue); } location.reload(true); } function getParameterByName(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"), results = regex.exec(; return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } }); if ($.isFunction(window.chkvalidation) === false) { function chkvalidation() { return true; } } if ($('#questionnaire').length > 0) { $('#questionnaire').on('change', function () { var show_field_title = 'No'; var source = $('#questionnaire').val(); if($("#hdn_show_field_title").val() != undefined && $("#hdn_show_field_title").val() == 1){ show_field_title = "Yes"; } if(source != undefined && source != ""){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", cache: true, url: '/getcontactquestion', data: 'qnsid=' + source+'&show_title='+show_field_title, success: function (result) { if(result != undefined && result != ''){ result = result.split("||:"); if(result[0] != undefined && result[0] != ''){ $(".qnsfaqs").addClass("show"); $(".qnsfaqs").removeClass("hide"); $('.qnsfaqs').html(result[0]); } if(result[1] != undefined && result[1] != ''){ $(".qnsforms").addClass("show"); $(".qnsforms").removeClass("hide"); $('.qnsforms').html(result[1]); //Revlidate $("#form_submit").attr('disabled', false); //$('#captcha-err').show(); $('#storefrmbuilder').bootstrapValidator('destroy'); $('#storefrmbuilder').bootstrapValidator().on('', function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); // ajax call if ( chkvalidation() ){ callajax(); } }); } }else{ //Showing blank div in case of no FAQs. var data=`
`; $('.qnsfaqs').html(data); return false; } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { return false; } }); }else{ $(".qnsfaqs").addClass("hide"); $(".qnsfaqs").removeClass("show"); $('.qnsfaqs').html(''); $(".qnsforms").addClass("hide"); $(".qnsforms").removeClass("show"); $('.qnsforms').html(''); } }); } function initFormValidation () { $("#storefrmbuilder").bootstrapValidator(); } $('.copycheckbox').change(function() { if ($($(this)).is(":checked")) { var check = 1; } else { var check = 2; } const onlyInputs = document.forms["storefrmbuilder"].getElementsByTagName("input"); $(onlyInputs).each(function(items,key){ var itemid = key['id']; var field_grp = $('#'+itemid).data('fieldgroup'); var boundto = $('#'+itemid).data('frontboundto'); if(check == 1) { const onlyInputs = document.forms["storefrmbuilder"].getElementsByTagName("select"); $(onlyInputs).each(function(items,key){ var sel_itemid = key['id']; var sel_field_grp = $('#'+sel_itemid).data('fieldgroup'); var sel_boundto = $('#'+sel_itemid).data('frontboundto'); var selectedOptionText = $('#'+sel_itemid).find(":selected").text();//selected option text var selectedOptionVal = $('#'+sel_itemid).find(":selected").val();//selected option value if(sel_boundto != 'undefined' && sel_boundto != '' && sel_field_grp !='' && sel_field_grp == "from") { $("#"+sel_itemid).val($("#"+sel_boundto).val()); } }); if(boundto != 'undefined' && boundto != '' && field_grp !='' && field_grp == "from") { $("#"+itemid).val($("#"+boundto).val()); } if(boundto == "undefined" && field_grp == "undefined") { swal("Failed!", "Please enter values!", "error"); } } if(check == 2) { const onlyInputs = document.forms["storefrmbuilder"].getElementsByTagName("select"); $(onlyInputs).each(function(items,key){ var sel_itemid = key['id']; var sel_field_grp = $('#'+sel_itemid).data('fieldgroup'); var sel_boundto = $('#'+sel_itemid).data('frontboundto'); var selectedOptionText = $('#'+sel_itemid).find(":selected").text();//selected option text var selectedOptionVal = $('#'+sel_itemid).find(":selected").val();//selected option value if(sel_field_grp == "from") { $("#"+sel_itemid).val(""); } }); } if(check == 2 && field_grp == "from" ) { $("#"+itemid).val(""); //$("#"+sel_itemid).val(""); } }); }); async function getGlbModel(sku, apiKey, clientID) { try { const pregenerated = new MxtWebAR.MxtWebArPregenerated({apiKey:apiKey, clientId:clientID}); const url = await pregenerated.getGlb(sku); addSrcToModelViewer(url); } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to get sku web ar asset', e); return false; } } function addSrcToModelViewer(url) { const spinElement = document.getElementById('spin'); try { spinElement.src = url; } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to load modal viewer web ar asset', e); } } $("body").delegate(".close_3d", "click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); hideLoader(); $("[id^='view3d']").modal('hide'); e.stopPropagation(); }); async function checkForWebArAsset(sku, apiKey, clientID) { const browserArType = MxtWebAR.MxtWebArHelpers.browserArSupport(); const pregenerated = new MxtWebAR.MxtWebArPregenerated({apiKey:apiKey, clientId:clientID}); const anchorElement = document.getElementById('viewInQr'); try { const arAssetsAvailable = await pregenerated.getAssetTypesAvailable(sku); if(arAssetsAvailable.length > 0) { $("#viewIn3D").show(); $("#viewInQr").show(); if(!browserArType) { var qr = new QRious({ size: 500, element: document.getElementById('qr'), // Remember to make sure the value for the QR code url is absolute, not relative, since the QR will be generated bassed on this text. value: ""+sku+"&clientId="+clientID+"&apiKey="+apiKey+"&lod=1024#" }); var qrmodal = document.getElementById("viewqr"); // Get the button that opens the qrmodal var btn = document.getElementById("viewInQr"); // Get the element that closes the qrmodal var closebtn = document.getElementsByClassName("close_qr")[0]; // When the user clicks the button, open the qrmodal btn.onclick = function() { = "block"; } // When the user clicks on (x), close the qrmodal closebtn.onclick = function() { = "none"; } } else { // If the user is on mobile, we again check to see if AR files exist for the specified sku. // If true, we'll link the button to the appropriate file (usdz for iOS, glb for Android). // If false, we do something else. For this sample, we're just hiding the button. try { console.log("Exists: " + arAssetsAvailable.includes(browserArType)); if(arAssetsAvailable.includes(browserArType)){ try { const url = await pregenerated.getWebArPregeneratedUrl(sku); anchorElement.href = url; } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to get sku web ar asset', e); } } else { // Hide the button and the model-viewer if no AR files exist for this SKU $("#viewInQr").hide(); console.log("No AR files exist for this SKU.") } } catch(e) { // Hide the button and the model-viewer if the check for AR files fails. console.error('Failed to check if sku has web ar asset', e); $("#viewInQr").hide(); } } } else { // If no AR assets exist for this sku, hide the button and spin viewer on Desktop. $("#viewIn3D").hide(); $("#viewInQr").hide(); } } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to check if sku has web ar asset', e); } }